Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Where is the bottom?

I remember as a young boy going on a tour of a cave with my family. At one point the guide tossed a stone into an abyss alongside the path we were taking through the cavern. I don't remember how deep he said the hole was, but I do recall that it seemed to fall a long time before it stopped bouncing off the sides of the crevice and finally splashed in water in the darkness below. I don't want this blog to become a monthly report on the currency crisis facing missionaries, but where is the bottom already? I read a headline today that said the dollar has been almost level against the euro for the last three months. That is surely good news for American missionaries serving in Europe! However against the Brazilian Real the dollar has continued its decline, falling almost ten percent over the same period. Over the last four years about a 50% decline. For us, the frustration is that though we have gained some support, our annual support need is almost $2000 higher this month than it was last month, and we have actually dropped from 78% supported to 77%. We do appreciate your prayers for our family as we seek to follow the Lord.
your brother and co-worker,
Steve Nash

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Feeling the heat?

There has been a lull in our posting to this blog over the last couple of weeks. We are in a heat wave here in the Northeast of the U.S., its been in the upper 90 degrees F. (over 35 C.) for several days. To say the least, we are feeling the heat! We are also feeling the heat a bit figuratively as we look at our calender and anticipate our scheduled return to Brazil before year end. Though we have seen some support increases and some new support pledges, the falling dollar has kept us under 80 percent of the amount we need to return to the field. One devotional reading I have been including in my morning prayer time reflected this week on the need for patience, and the assurance that God's plan will unfold in his way and in his time. One paraphrase of Habbakuk 2:3 reads, These things I plan [for your life] won’t happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, wait patiently, for it will surely take place.” It does seem that God is teaching us to trust Him, to listen to Him, and to wait, patiently, for Him to reveal his plan in his time. Thank you for praying with us as we seek to serve him!
your brother and co-worker,