Saturday, October 18, 2008

The "home drive!" (or, the drive home?)

We have been quiet in terms of posting for the last six weeks, but busy behind the scenes making the need known and challenging friends and acquaintances to consider becoming involved in this ministry. We have been encouraged. We put forth a challenge of "100 supporters in 100 days" who could contribute $15 monthly. God quickly showed us that he knows our need and that he can supply that need in the way he determines. For example we have two new supporters who are contributing $100 a month! Also, about twenty individuals have expressed their intention to join our support team at the $15 monthly level. It is humbling to see people willing to sacrifice in this difficult economic environment so that we can return to Brazil and the work God has given us there. The Lord knows our need, and we will still need to see a significant increase in pledges in order to buy our tickets and return to the field by the end of the year. Does God want us back in Brazil? Let's see what he will do over the next month to make our return possible!