Saturday, January 30, 2010

A new year, and another transition!

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Dear friends, supporters, and prayer partners,
God promises to direct our paths as we trust him and acknowledge his sovereignty in our lives. By now some of you have received a letter from Andy Spohrer, our eastern area representative for WorldVenture, announcing that we will be leaving WorldVenture at the end of April. 17 years ago we sensed God calling us to leave the pastoral ministry and to prepare to serve Him on the mission field of Brazil. Now, the work we came to do is largely in the hands of capable Brazilians and God is “redeploying” us to stateside ministry. I have accepted the call of Boothbay Baptist Church on the coast of Maine to serve as Senior Pastor. Mary Ann and I are returning to the US at the end of February for a brief “home assignment” in which we would like to make ourselves available to visit our supporting churches to give a report on our ministry and explain how the Lord has led us to take these steps.
We have been blessed to be a part of what God has been doing in Sao Paulo, and are both thankful and humbled by your participation in the work through your prayers and support. Graduates of our schools are actively serving the Lord here and around the world and their ministries will bear fruit for eternity. You have been a part of that. We plan to stay in touch with the work here through our contacts at the Baptist Seminary and at the Pan American Christian Academy, and hope you will too as you follow our blog and facebook pages.
It has been a privilege to be your partner in ministry. We have come to know each other, in some cases at a distance and through letters or e-mails. It is our hope that though our relationship will change as we transition to this new ministry in May, that we will be able to stay in touch, and pray for one another as needs arise. Over these next couple of months we want to finish well and visit as many of our churches as are interested in hearing a “final report” from us. If you are able, we still do need your support until the end of April. If you are willing, we would value your ongoing friendship and prayer support.
Your co-workers in Christ,
Steve and Mary Ann