Thursday, January 29, 2009

Unpacking out bags, saying hello...

Saying goodbye to family and friends in the US was tough, but we are enjoying seeing friends and co-workers here in Brazil after a year and half away. Today I (Steve) had a faculty meeting at the seminary downtown, talking about the final steps to completing our accreditation process. Things at home are pretty much in order: our bags and boxes are unpacked, and we are pretty well settled in. We were able to buy a good, late model car for our use this term, thanks to the generosity of our supporters. One automotive prayer request: our car in the US is still for sale (a 2005 Toyota Corolla). Its a good car, but the weather and general economic malaise in the Northeast is not helping with the sale. If you know of someone who is interested, Mary Ann's brother John is handling the sale for us, his number is: 732-698-7576. We appreciate your prayers also as we are "empty nesters", with Sarah back in the US continuing her studies at PBU. A lot of emotions!

Friday, January 9, 2009

Packing our bags, saying goodbyes...

The days are passing quickly. Each time we see a friend or family member we know it may be our last "face to face" contact for months or even years. I expect my brother to come by today, this afternoon we drive out to pick up Sarah and visit our cousin in PA, Sunday we go to Old Bridge to visit Mary Ann's sister... you get the idea. We still have some things to resolve before we leave: selling our car and getting the probate process moving (finally!) in TN are among the most pressing. We appreciate your prayers for our emotional, physical, and spiritual strength over these next days and weeks.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Two weeks to our return to the field!

Dear friends,
Happy New Year! We are two short weeks away from our return to Brazil. It seems like it has been a long time since our arrival here in the US, and the time has come to return to the field. We appreciate your prayers as we have a couple of last minute meetings, and a lot of packing and logistical details to work through. We need to sell our car here (a 2005 Toyota Corolla if you are interested!), get Sarah settled back into her classes at PBU, pack for our trip (a challenge, since I have accumulated a few more books over the last 18 months!), and then, upon our arrival in São Paulo, we will need to quickly locate and purchase a reliable car. One church has helped us tremendously by giving a special gift for our plane tickets, within $1.50 of the price we finally paid for a direct flight from Newark to São Paulo. Another church had a "special project" to help us buy a new car, and collected $5,000! We believe that if we can get a market price for our car we will be able to get a good late model car when we get back to Brazil. Many new individual supporters, a Sunday School faith promise, and several increases from our churches will have our support at near 100% by the time of our departure, praise God for this miracle (we were at 78% just a few months ago)! Our biggest challenge will be leaving Sarah here to continue her studies at College while we are 5.000 miles away. We appreciate your prayers for her and for us as we take this big step as a family.
your missionary,
Steve Nash